Sunday, September 10, 2006


So we got here on tuesday night, and set up out rooms. Wednesday we have some speechs and at about 300 we left to yerushalayim- it took us close to 2 hours to get there but finally we did. We had a tour in a neighborhood called nachlaot then went to eat in a taimani resturant, and then had a tour of the rova then went to the kotel. we got back to pardes chana at 2 am! but it was fun. the next day we got up and started to prepare things for the kids who were supposed to arrive at about 2ish. now, i dont exactly have a group. my job is... 9 o clock wake up and go to the 'merkaziyah chinuchit' its a room with tons of activity ideas, supplies, and air conditioning. I'm supposed to help out the other 'bnot sheirut' then at 130 there is lunch and then i have a break till 6, and 6 I go to a group of tchon girls. they are called the 'olot' even though they made aliyah 6 yrs ago, 2 before me. they are all ethiopian except one girl who is israel born from ethiopian parents. these girls love to learn, supposivly the biggest problem theat we will have with them is to convince them to stop learning and do something fun for a change.

the week was pretty much the same thing over and over. wtvr, its fun. this past shabbos i was here. most of the kids go home for shabbos every other shabbos, however some kids dont have a home to go home to, so they stay here. thats my job, to be with them on this shabbos. its weird cuz its supposed to be like there home. like we are not strict with them, and they could sleep late and hang out. but its not really there home because its not!

friday night i tucked in a little girl- she is 5 years old and has been here for i think half a year. she will be here for the rest of her life. i just started tearing. its so sad, this is her home. not house, home. cuz she doesnt have somewhere else to go. and because of the stupid rules in this country, she will probably not go to adoption meaning she will never know from a normal family.

1 comment:

Sammy said...

-that was a nice post