Monday, August 07, 2006

"avodah zara" of today?

So I've been thinking, what is the purpose of goyim's lives? I mean they have no real goals in life. like why were they created? everyone says to serve us right? but thats only in the time of mashiach. now, its probably the 'avodah zara' of these days. like they get us to do somethings that really if you stop and think about it could be considered avodah zara. like for example, t.v.! no not indian hair sheitel. Its weird, ppl flip out over the indian business, but what about tv. its a thing that tons of ppl sont even think about as a problem. No so maybe it is not direct, like ppl dont burn themself for it or castrate themselves because of it. but ppl do devote there lives to it. ppl do waste tons and tons of money on it. and these are ppl who learn tons of torah. dont get me wrong, I love to watch movies, its really great not thinking of anything, getting fully entertained by some fast action film, or being freaked out by some scary movie that you so scared you cant move. or to cry over something bugging you while watching a mushy romantic movie.
I just dont get it.

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