Monday, August 14, 2006

Should I really be continuing on with my life?

wow, what a day. I woke early to go to yerushalayim. i got my skirt which was stolen by the seamstress, long story dont ask. got whole wheat pita from the shuk. wow I'm going to miss that. Starting 2 weeks I'm probably not going to be there for a while.
wtvr boring day, cleaned the kitchen, packed my bag for a weeks worth of stuff.

well, Im not sure but while Im being bored out of my mind, Moshe is getting married. when is it again? yesturday? today? tomorrow? wtvr, its crazy that he's getting married. Well I hope he likes my present... the 108 pack of twizzlers. For Etana I got the ketchup, I thought that was apropriate for him. Gosh this is the first of 3 weddings I am missing cuz they are not taking place in the Holy Land. I can believe it.

So there is supposed to be a ceasefire, I hope. I love this contry and I love the Jewsih nation, but isnt there a better way to get back 2 kidnapped soldiers that kill over 150 other ppl. I know this probably would have happened anyway but still....

Sammy call already,... I want to go swimming.
(is it just me or its sick that I'm going swimming now and ppl are just returning to there ruined houses after not being there for over a month cuz of Hizballah- yimach shimam)


Sammy said...

Your title is a little bit misleading. You might want to rephrase it, otherwise some people might think that you dont want life to continue.

Sammy said...

What I think you mean to say is, Should I really be entering the nex stage in my life? Wow, time is moving so quickly...

Sammy said...
