Thursday, December 22, 2005

Life is gr-8!!!!

i got into BEIT YELED- tchum rishon!!!!!!!


Sammy said...

teach her the ropes? its just a writing style... to each their own... she writes Raizi style and I write sammy style... but it is a bit depressing to blog, when you think no ones reading...

Unknown said...

Attention itsonlyme -

"and sammy and lori i read urs to... ok im a guy... but your a great blogger... y dont u teach razi the ropes???"

First of all - what in the name of all that is sane in the world does you being a guy have to do with us being 'great bloggers'? You could do it too... Start one and send me a link.

Secondly, Did you mean that we are great bloggers? If so, then thank you. It is a skill, but it's also a talent.

I mean, like Sam said - it's a writing style.

By the way - I tend to blog in the same way that I speak. So, it's more fun to read.

As for it being sad if nobody else reads it - yeah, that's true.

Ropes? What ropes? This is one of those perilous 'climb at your own risk' type things. You need to blaze your own trail.

Go ahead Raizi - Blaze your trail! Make a path! And remember, like Robert Frost taught us - the road less taken can make all the difference. :)