Wednesday, December 07, 2005

worst day in my life....

first of all we had migama see i left the house at 8:15 and go to school late... at 10:10!!! then i come for a pop quiz. see everyone thinks art is so easy... some how i fail even with my 10 points. so i pretty much flunk the bochan. then we have torah. i went to 'visit' sammy. it was a good hour... it was funny... after now i think i want to burn it up but wtvr... st to look back on an laugh!. then we have chinuch. i am a sky window... thanx for the complement sammy. then ot starts to get worse and worse the day... no kishut kita... no erev kita... no asifat horim... then machsevet... just a stupid class. then history... even more stupid except for the fact that i passed the test! 63!!!! then i run to get the 21... huffing n puffing... i havent been at the gym long enough... stam so im really excited cuz im going to be able to get the 420 at 14:55... like a stop before tachana mercazit. the bus stops... chefetz chasud! so i run to the trempiada... b"h make the bus... go home and realize that i forgot my lashon stuff for my test in school. gr8!!!! so i bake and i say tehillim (with the tehillim group in my house) and then go online to the annoying voldemort! i guess i forgive you and we can be best friends ;) but dont do it again... it really hurt... in certain subjects im sensitive... so all in all im exgausted cuz i went to sleep really late last night... voldemort ;) and yah so have a gr8 night everyone!

1 comment:

Sammy said...

Like I said, not imperitive to have, but a lot of fun when u have one, especially a cool one like you! My ipod updated! yeah!